"How to Create a Mind" by Ray Kurzweil - Vishwanath Akuthota's Perspective
AI and Delusions of Grandeur Vishwanath Akuthota's take.
The Rise of Knowledge work to Wisdom Work
Feeding AI with garbage
 Artificial Intelligence(AI) vs Human Intelligence vs Analytics
Don't Get Fooled by a Single Pixel: One-Pixel Attacks
Fitts’s Law and Its Applications in UX
Initial days of Spotify
Exploring "Mathematics and Humor" by John Allen Paulos (1980)
Exploring Ethical Considerations in AI Development
Exploring the Four Types of AI: A Strategic Guide for Businesses
Embracing the Future with Generative AI: A Personal Journey Into the World of Advancements
Kali Linux 2024.2 with 18 new tools
Watermarking Large Language Models(LLM) for Text Attribution
What My Mother and I Don't Talk About -- Book review
Web Serving APIs vs. Model Serving Runtime APIs for Machine Learning and Deep Learning